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Siorramachd Inbhir Nis

Ceòl is Dannsa

Maighstir Aonghas Morris, Fìdhleir


Puirt air an cluith le Maighstir Aonghas Morris: dà chaismeachd, srath spé agus ruidhlichean.

Neach-aithris: Séidheag Nic'illeMhaoil

In this medley, Father Angus Morris plays two marches, a strathspey and ends the set with some reels.

See video

The Honourable Miss Elspeth Campbell ( T. Douglas) – Caismeachd
Leaving Localsh (Traidiseanta) – Caismeachd
Lucy Campbell (Traidiseanta) – Srath Spé
Colonel McBain’s Fancy (Murdoch McDonald) – Ruidhle
The Drummer (Traidiseanta) – Ruidhle
Traidiseanta – Ruidhle
“The Yetts of Muckart” (James Stewart Robertson) – Ruidhle

Tunes by Fr. Angus Morris.

Maighstir Aonghas Morris

Fhuair Maighstir Aonghas Morris, mac Pàdraig agus Floraidh (NicDhòmhall) à Mabu Bheag, Siorramachd Inbhirnis, meas is cliù mar fhìdhleir. Thog e suas `n fhidheall aig aois còig bliadhn' deug, as deaghaidh dha cluinntinn na co-oghaichean aig `athair, na “Lewis” Dòmhnallaich à Seastaco. Gu math tràth, thug Jim ‘Lewis’ cuideachadh do Mhgr Morris a’ togail bunait agus dh’ ionnsaich e dha ceòl a leubhadh. Thòisich Mgr Morris a’ cluich `son chàirdean agus mun cuairt 's a' choimhearsnachd agus fiu `s a’ faighinn cothrom a thoirt fois dha 'n phrìomh fhìdhleir aig na dannsaichean ionadail. Nuair a bha e mu mheadhan na fhicheadan, rinn e 'mach gu robh an t-sagartachd bhuaithe nuair a bha e aig Oilthigh N.F.X. Chuir e seachad iomadh bliadhna ann am parraistean air feadh Cheap Breatainn agus seachd bliadhna anns na Honduras cuideachd; `s nuair a ràinig e dhachaidh, ghabh e suim 's a' cheòl a rithist. Tha Mgr Morris air a bhith 'na shagart ann am Màbu fad beagan do bhliadhnaichean an dràsd’ agus tha e air a bhith `cumail air a’ toirt taic do cheòl na coimhearsnachd `s a' là `n diugh.

Neach-aithris: Séidheag Nic'illeMhaoil

Father Angus Morris, son of Patrick and Florence (MacDonald), is a well-respected fiddler from Colindale, Nova Scotia. He first picked up the violin at age 15, influenced by his father’s first cousins, the ‘Lewis’ MacDonalds of Port Hood. Early on, cousin Jim ‘Lewis’ would help Fr Morris tune his fiddle and offered basic instruction on note reading. Fr Morris began to play for friends and at various community events and enjoyed the opportunity to “spell” the main fiddler at local dances. In his mid-twenties, Fr Morris decided to enter the priesthood while in his final year at St. F. X. University. He served in parishes throughout Cape Breton and spent seven years stationed in Honduras. Upon returning home, Fr Morris became very involved with the music scene in Cape Breton. He is currently parish priest in Mabou and continues to be a strong supporter of fiddle music on the island.