log asteach

Siorramachdan Antaiginis is Phiogto


Am fear a théid `s an dris, imridh e thighinn às mar a dh’fhaodas e.

Am fear a théid `s an dris, imridh e thighinn às mar a dh’fhaodas e.

Am fear a théid `s an dris, imridh e thighinn às mar a dh’fhaodas e.
-The Casket

Neach-Aithris: Stéiseag NicGilleathain

Whoever ventures into the briar-patch will have to find his way out as best he can.
-The Casket

Narrated by Stacey MacLean

Qui s’aventure dans un champ de ronces doit se débrouiller pour en sortir du mieux qu’il peut.
- The Casket

Rapporté par: Stacey MacLean