log asteach

Siorramachdan Antaiginis is Phiogto

Cinneadas is Creideamh



Tha a’ chonair Mhoire cudthromach ann am beatha cuid a Ghàidheil. `S e Ùrnaigh ar n-Athair agus Fàilte dhut a Mhoire, am measg feadhainn eile, a `s moth' a bhios `gan gabhail ann.

Neach-aithris: Frangag NicEachainn

The recitation of prayers such as the Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary and Glory Be are commonly said in Catholic households. For many Gaels, rosaries are a source of comfort and reinforcement of faith.

On récite souvent dans les foyers catholiques des prières comme le Notre Père, Je vous salue Marie, et Gloire au Père. Pour de nombreux Gaëls, les rosaires étaient une source de réconfort et d’approfondissement de la foi.


A' Chreud
An Gloir
Ùrnaigh an Tighearna
Fàilte Dhut a' Mhoire

- Anna NicDhòmhnaill, Allt an Dotair

© Canadian Museum of Civilization, recorded by Gordon MacLennan, 1972, MAC-B-16

Annie MacDonald, Doctor's Brook, reciting prayers.